A Blog by Scott Isaacs

Back in Wisconsin

So I’m back from my California trip now.  I got back yesterday afternoon, and, obviously, I didn’t post anything while I was gone.  I did take some pics of the place, though, and will try to get those up somewhere soon.

My body hurts from working on that house.  It’s apparent that I don’t get enough physical activity.  So I thought of a few things I could have done to better prepare myself for this trip:

  • Spend a few hours per day lifting heavy objects (like drywall) over my head, and hold it there for several minutes at a time.
  • Repeatedly scrape my bony white shins and calves with rusty metal outdoor faucets or other metal materials.
  • Climb up and down a ladder while carrying a circular saw, drill, hammer and various other tools.
  • Kneel down, in five minute intervals, on tiny pieces of gravel or asphalt roofing material while wearing shorts.
  • Hit my forearm with a crowbar, hammer or other heavy object one to two times per day.  Repeat this exercise for thumb as well.
  • Practice standing and staring in confusion, while trying to answer the question, “Now what do I do?”

Since I am going to have to make another trip out there to finish the project, I think that it is in my best interest to start this new training regimen immediately.  Does anyone have some asphalt roofing material I can borrow?


Going To California


Lunch at Miller Brewing

1 Comment

  1. This is your lucky day – I have a drywall project, a masonry project, and a roofing project that needs to be done!

    If you’re still in need of more preparation after that, I’m probably going to rebuild my deck this summer.

    Just let me know what’s good for you! 🙂

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